Saturday, July 9, 2011

This Is How I'm Serving God

I’ve been asked a lot about what I do here, so I’ll list some things.
I change diapers, unless I can pawn them off on someone else.
I feed babies. Jacob likes to store food in his chubby cheeks like a chipmunk, and doesn’t understand the concept of swallowing so he sometimes chokes. Isaac likes to use his saliva to turn any solid food into paste to paint himself with.
I bathe babies. This is annoying. Some think being in water is hilarious, so they continuously kick water onto me and the floor. Others sob the whole time.
I put babies in their cribs for naps and bedtime-the best part of my day!
I make sure the babies don’t eat things (this is hard, as there are 7 of them), escape, hurt each other or themselves.
I sometimes help prepare meals and set the table.
I play Dutch Blitz, a four player card game. I highly suggest it.
I help the kids with their homework.
About one night a week I go to Esther and Eliud’s house to watch a movie.
I read a lot of stories to Rosa and Mynor.
I just got done dancing with the girls in the kitchen. There are these two really fun songs that they’ve been teaching me the goofy dances to.
I play games with the kids.
My Martina day is Sunday 
I take the babies outside to put them in a swing, on a slide or trampoline, to see the puppies, walk them around, get them dirty and keep them from eating leaves. -_-
I sometimes help with dishes, sweeping, and clean-up.
I take the kids to the tienda, which means “store”. There are a million everywhere, and they’re all alike. Kinda like Walmart! I like going there because it gives me a break. The last time I went, I got 2 bags of chips, 6 lollipops, 4weird cookie things, and a bottle of soda for one American dollar and a few odd cents  The kids here ask a lot about what things in the States cost, and are shocked that my little plastic pink bunny watch cost $5.
My schedule is something like this:
Wake up at 6:30, throw on clothes and deodorant and put my hair up
Get the babies, change their diapers and maybe their clothes, and put them in their high chairs.
Breakfast at 7:30.
Clean the babies’ faces and take them to the sala (living room). I watch them, help kids with school or play with Rosa.
Kids go to school at 9. Most go to the other house, but two of them stay here and are taught by Deb.
Babies nap at 10:30-for this hour and a half, I read my Bible and pray, and either blog, read, or nap.
Lunch at 12 or 12:30
I usually help with lunch clean-up
I play with babies or help kids with school or play with Rosa-it’s rainy season, so like clockwork it starts to rain around this time.
Babies to bed at 3-I teach the kids karate, blog, help with dinner, shower, or clean.
Dinner at 5 or 5:30
I usually help with dinner clean-up then stay in the sala for family time until the babies are put to bed at 7:30.
I crave chocolate about this time.
Until I go to bed-I blog, go online, play card games with the team, shower, or play with the kids.
I’m in bed by 9 or 9:30, and Tabby joins me in our full size bed around then. If she’s in bed before me, I ritually tackle her. It gets cold at night, so we snuggle close for body heat, and she makes jokes about cheating on her boyfriend with me. We usually talk a while before sleeping. We’ve known each other since my first semester in college, and have gotten a lot closer here. She leaves Monday and I’m going to die of loneliness. But the rest of the team leaves on Wednesday, so I’ll be able to spend more time online! =]

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