Saturday, July 9, 2011

I Feel Like A Real Girl!

Last night our team treated Dave, Deb, Josh, and Donna to the Posada for dinner. The Posada is a really nice hotel and restaurant with expensive food (on American standards, it’s average) and its bathroom doors have a list and explanation of all the famous people who’ve visited there.
I was so excited to get out of the house and eat out again and wear normal clothes and jewelry and make-up just like a real girl! I wore a pretty black skirt, white tank top, flip-flops (I didn’t have room in my suitcase for dress shoes), a necklace and my purity ring, and my vanilla perfume. I felt like I was in America again! I was so happy, I was dancing around our room.
It was Tabby and her boyfriend’s six month-aversary. Since she couldn’t see him, so she got dressed up and went to a fancy restaurant with me as her date. 
I had steak, veggies, and rice for dinner, and a brownie for dessert. I asked Deb to ask the waiter for a box for the rest of my brownie (I’d already eaten more than I normally do) and instead, he gave me another brownie wrapped in tinfoil. She tried to explain that I only wanted a box for the one I already had, so he wrapped up my first one. When I tried to hand him back my first one, he shrugged and waved his hand and walked away. It was my lucky night!
It was one of the best nights I’ve had here, so I thought I’d share.
I miss quite a few things; chocolate, for sure. I crave it all the time, but it can only be found in the city 3 hours away. Showers as long as I want; I wouldn’t mind showering every other day if everyone else did, but these short showers are most annoying. Shaving. I only get to shave my legs about every 3 days. My dad. Make-up and dressing nice. T-shirts and Bermuda shorts are not my thing; I feel more comfortable looking nice than dressing down. Being online as much as I want. My best friend. Watching Glee on Netflix. Waynesburg. Freedom from a schedule. Not yelling at people. Knowing that everything I touch is sanitary. My phone. Food I like. The luxury of not having to worry if I’m using too much toilet paper or water to wash my hands.
I do miss these things, but not nearly as much as I miss having people who I love around me. I love these kids, but I need peers and people who are close with me to converse with and have fellowship with. Our team has devotions every day, but it’s not fellowship. I could give of myself forever, as long as I had one person to fill me back up. I’ve already been spending at least an hour on average with God every day, but I think that the three weeks after the team leaves will bring me closer to Him, as best friends.

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