Sunday, April 17, 2011

Whether You Believe It Or Not, We're Standing On Common Ground

You and I, Dee, we’re years apart, but our lives are going through the same turmoil.  Telling people a bit of information about our personal lives-our families, our childhoods, our pasts-is terrifying.  Letting them in is playing the lottery that has only wasted our time and emotion in the past.  It’s like God is telling us to only trust Him and not to put faith in humans at all.  Everyone we’ve come to trust started out with a perfect friendship, but then betrayed us in some completely unpredictable way.  Is God telling us that we’re only supposed to reply on Him?  That our trust is a gift and shouldn’t be given to anyone but Him?  I thought so, but my doubting eyes were looking at it the wrong way.

God is trying to tell us something, but not through hurting us.  He’s always telling us to rely on Him more and to let only Him be our strength, not them.  
2 Corinthians 12:9-“Each time He said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’”  
We are weak.  We succumb to strong, close relationships, that have the tendency to have power over us.  When they fail us, we curl up in fetal positions under our covers like children hiding from monsters who’ve deceived us by looking like elfin fairies, believing that we understand the grime of the world and why it needed Jesus.

Psalm 56:11-”In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”
What can they do to us if God is our strength, the foundation in our very cores? They can beat us and steal from us, but these bodies are only shells and these material possessions will not last anyways.  Humans cannot damage God, and if God is at the heart of everything we do and feel, they cannot touch us.

It is ok to get close to people.  They can’t break us.  He designed us to be sociable beings and to form bonds through fellowship with other believers (1 John 1:7). We need to grow close to people who fear the same God, especially those who only want to help us.  The Bible says to store up treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:19); one way to understand this is to look at what we have on Earth that will also be in Heaven.  NOTHING, besides fellow Christians.  Those people, in all their flaws and beauty, are our treasures.  Your roommate, me, my dad, and your other believing friends are your treasures.  The connections you have with us sparkle like gems, even if they look uncertain now--not because we fear the same God and are walking the same path, but because these connections are miracles in themselves.  Though sometimes painful, they are gifts from God Himself.  It’s not right to ignore what He has done in our tiny lives with His own, almighty hands.  We shouldn’t trust and rely on each other completely but value, listen to, and share with each other with complete acceptance and honesty. 

We want you.  We Love you.  We are here for you.  Please forgive us our sins of our pasts and those against you recently.  If we could live our lives in which our words and actions only helped you, we would.  But we are human.  Just like you.

So let’s be friends.

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